Early light …..

….. ….. ….. on Brow Peak

If I know the way home and am walking along it drunkenly, is it any less the right way because I am staggering from side to side?
Leo Tolstoy

I’m thinking we could substitute many ideas for this provocative piece from Tolstoy. Maybe - ‘even though I’m making a bit of a mess of life at present, I’m still trying to do my clumsy best’.

A wonderfully full day today. Church was enhanced by a talk by Maya from TearFund. Their work for young people dragged into modern slavery is so worthwhile. There’s so much evil in this world and it’s so encouraging and refreshing to hear of worthwhile efforts being made to redress harm.

My daughter A. popped around for a while this afternoon and we had some very interesting conversations about politics & health issues & gardening!

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