We're expecting - again

Last Sunday Mr hazelh noticed frog spawn in our pond. 'Hurrah!' we thought. Today we checked the pond again and discovered that at least one other amorous amphibian pair has made a deposit. We are looking forward to the hopping of tiny feet in a few weeks.

The other good news of the day is that I managed a 5k run. The last time that I ran was on 6th February, a few days before our holiday in Cape Verde. I think that I hurt my ankle when a jumped from a low wall when we were away, and it's taken a while to recover. Over-enthusiastic participation at my strength training class 10 days ago didn't help with the healing process. Anyway, I completed today's course with no apparent ill effects, so I'm now back to trudging around the cycle paths on a regular basis once more.

I took advantage of the dry, sunny weather this afternoon to do some gardening. Then I came inside to time travel back to the 1970s and cook devilled lamb kidneys for dinner. This was in response to a request from Mummy hazelh. I was a bit dubious about such a dish, but - oh my goodness - they were delicious! I used a recipe from that Bible of 1970s cuisine:The cookery year.

Exercise today: 5k run; gardening; walking (11,582 steps including run).

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