Nothing inspired me today

So I won’t detain you long for a third day. Another visit this morning to be with Doreen, wrestling with traffic on the way home.

A walk in the afternoon to complete a few errands and home for tea.

On our way home we crawled past at least 5 housing developments along a 1 mile stretch of road. Road works everywhere. Like so many places we’re strangled, threatened and asphyxiated by traffic and nobody has a clue about what to do about it. Except to allow more developments leading to even more traffic.

And to cap it all Operation Brock will be put in place this weekend between Maidstone and Ashford to deal with the traffic generated at Dover by the Easter Holidays.

What’s it going to be like when the new rules for entering and leaving the UK via Dover are implemented in the autumn?

There is a silver lining; it’s Friday evening and you know what that means?

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