Sgrìobh mi seo

I woke up this morning to heavy rain and decided to give swimming a miss It wasn't that I minded swimming in the rain - that can be fun - but the thought of getting changed in the rain did not appeal. Even I have my limits! 

Instead I caught with my Gaelic revision and did another of Adriene's Flow Routine - Day 14 Welcome - and most enjoyable it was too. 

It brightened up considerably after lunch - much more conducive to swimming. T kindly drove me down to the dell and waited while I was in the water. I swam out past the buoys and back - my longest swim so far this year. It felt like proper swimming. 

At the end of  the third Earann of An Cùrsa Inntrigidh , students are invited to send in a short piece for the course magazine. I decided to send in a piece about my trip to Easdale last year. It was lovely to get the PDF this afternoon and see it in print - I guess I can say I have published in dhà chànan now :-).  

It was also interesting reading the other pieces. We seem quite a diverse bunch. 

I also made a foray into the garden and planted some primroses which T had bought. 

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