Crossing Bridges

I thoroughly enjoyed Country Dancing last night  - we normally do different dances each week but reprised John of Bon Accord last night which has a complicated (to me at least) sequence of half reels. However thanks to LG's expert guidance it all came together and we got through a full set. We also did the Gates of Edinburgh which has holding hands whilst doing complicated reels of three. When I look at the videos I am amazed I managed to do it (or almost do it). 

Today saw our monthly whole group u3a meeting - we had speakers from Perthshire Health and Social Care partnership and it was really interesting hearing about the different services and how they might link into us. It was also one of our best attended meetings. 

Wednesday is also the night of our midweek stroll . There were four of us and we started slightly earlier and so enjoyed daylight all the way round our loop. We crossed over the Tummel by way of the Aluminium Bridge (from which this shot was taken) and back by the Port-na-Craig Suspension Bridge. We saw definite signs of beaver activity along the banks of the river . I plan to go down at dusk one night and see if I can actually see them. 

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