Busy blue Lizzie

Bit of a change in the weather today! It began somewhat cloudy, with patches of blue, so after driving down town for an appointment I spent a few hours in the garden, potting, planting and leaf-raking. By afternoon the sky was almost entirely blue, with a few scattered clouds, and my hip was telling me to go in anyway, so I took out the lounger, a book and a cuppa and lay in the sun for a while. It was only 12 degrees in the shade, but 20 in the sun! 

I'd bought this unusual Impatiens a few days ago, so sowed them today. It's a species which was discovered for the first time in 2003, in a deep Tibetan gorge. It's technically a perennial, though maybe not entirely hardy, so we'll have to see how to grow it, if it germinates, that is! I found this description on Wikipedia, which I very nearly used as my Quote of the Day! "It is an annual plant, although it may live for several years in mild climates that do not freeze in winter."  I bought three packets of seed - and they threw in a freebie! Just as well, as there are only four seeds in a packet! I love finding weird and wonderful plants to grow!

Random Quote of the Day: 'There's nothing wrong with pregnancy. Half the people wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for women being pregnant.' - Sarah Kennedy.

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