Nuts, whole hazelnuts - ha!

Remember the Cadbury's advert! I throw hazelnuts on the bank above the house and a squirrel turns up for a feast. Most of them he takes away and buries, but this one's having a good nibble! I took dozens of pictures through the kitchen window, but this one was probably the best.

A dull dry day - I spent some time this morning passing on the scores and comments from last night's judging of the Argyll Inter-club competition to the members who stayed at home. Eight or nine of us drove down to Lochgilphead where Mid-Argyll Camera Club was hosting the competition this year.  Only four clubs were participating, and Oban came second. None of my pictures were chosen to be entered. I thought the winning picture very bland and rather boring!

Went out for a walk this afternoon and made the mistake of scrambling up a hill through the woods - my hip didn't appreciate that at all! Back just as it began to rain lightly - more on the way, I think.

Random Quote of the Day: 'Once you've put one of his books down, you simply can't pick it up again.' - Mark Twain (of Henry James)

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