Matching sweaters

We have had some problems with moths so I have been going through all the woollen jumpers and coats. I found these which we bought many years ago on holiday in Alderney, the Channel Islands, where they were made. For me and my daughter! They are in tip top condition no holes and hardly worn so I have advertised them for sale as my daughter does not want them. If no takers I will give to a local charity shop…maybe they will include in a window display as rather unusual!

We went to a funeral today at the crematorium in Hounslow where we have not been before. Our friend who died had a lot of eminent jobs in his career, before we knew him, so  it was interesting to hear about them, including meeting the Queen on several occasions and once when she had forgotten her glasses so Prince Philip had to read her speech! A nice reception at the Wharf restaurant in Teddington with a lifeboat on display outside as that is the charity for which they had asked for donations .

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