Making bird feeders!

Today I went to help at the Gardening Club that our grandson attends after school. This week the teacher had planned an indoor activity as rain was forecast…but it didn’t rain! All the children made a bird feeder using an old bottle and some string and then filled them with a mixture of seeds, raisins, oats, mealworms bound together with lard. A very messy activity! Lots of greasy equipment and hands to be washed. They could then take them home so we will see how the birds like this mixture! ( The teacher didn’t include nuts in case of any nut allergies in the children) . Some children brought in their bird feeders from home to fill with this mixture for a change. Meanwhile granddaughter goes to an indoor football class and was delighted today to tell us she had scored the winning goal for her team in the last minute! 

Earlier I went to a different aqua class and liked the teacher and found it more active than some but I still think I get more exercise swimming 20 lengths!
I also cut my husband’s hair as we have a funeral to go to tomorrow.

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