
By HeartFreek


Today we reached the most northern part of our trip. 

We had an excursion to the Ice Hotel where we could visit their rooms and taste some reindeer sausage . Obviously I didn't being Vege so gave it to Mr W.

There were also Huskie rides from the Ice Hotel. We didn't do that but we're allowed to pet them. They were all very friendly. 

Once back on ship, we had a lecture on the southbound excursions before I had another dip in the hot tub. It was freezing outside and blowing a hoolie but was lovely in the water. The sun shine, then it snowed, then someone else got in and turned on the bubbles so the wind blew them straight into my face, so I braved it and got out in what felt like minus 10!!!!
 The sea started to get a bit choppy as we headed back into the Arctic ocean and my tummy didn't like it so quickly took some sea sickness tablets but I was still feeling a bit rough come dinnertime. I couldn't even face reading the menu so left the restaurant while the others had their meal. 
Managed to get an early night and was in bed asleep by 8.30!! 

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