Poor tree

They’ve been carrying out works to tidy up fallen trees round the stream which cuts through our estate. Apart from leaving piles of wood chippings everywhere and deep tyre marks in the grass, we can now see across to the other side and this poor tree looks pretty precarious. I’m not sure what can or will be done to save it.

Quiet day for me yesterday as Phin was at daycare so I decided to look into ordering the wool to make a temperature blanket for friends as a 30th wedding anniversary gift. It would have been much easier to use a spreadsheet but I did it the old fashioned way and did my calculations by hand. Watch this space for progress.

I did manage to look through the TinyTuesday entries, another fine crop of images. I’ll post results by tomorrow.

A great rehearsal at Rock Choir. Our end if term concert is on the 23rd and we’re raising funds for Alzheimer’s Scotland. One of our songs will require audience participation so that should be fun!

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