
A very long day, culminating in a very interesting lecture and a pleasant dinner with a visitor and colleagues.

I didn't get my blip done in the evening, but I'm posting it in the morning because we've been up and ousted from our flat since about 4am when the alarms went up. This time it was not a drill. One core two down from us looks completely gutted. It's taken the fire service three hours to get the fire under control and I'm not sure it is even now (7.30am). Thank goodness everyone appears to be ok, but the damage to flats and to human wellbeing is enormous. Who knows when we will get back in and whether it might finally spur some action to do something about fire safety in our building which has been an issue for years and years and we've been waiting for something to happen.

I will update later with more information, but for now I've just put a quick photo in the extras. We've been given access to the office building opposite, so we have warmth, toilets and some basic coffee facilities. I also moved our car before access to the garage was closed off, so theoretically we could go up to Tain....

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