Rain, Hail and Sun

Crazy weather day! Finally the sun emerged mid-afternoon and I took advantage of it to go for a nice, long walk. I decided to walk past my old garden and talked with my ex for a while. I'm going to help him in the garden on Saturday...well...mostly I'll point and he'll do the work since my elbow is still painful. It's been just about 4 weeks since I fractured it. 

The moss in the main is on the rock wall that we had built to create the new garden. The moss is so beautiful and lush now, after 10 years! And the hellebores in the back garden are really doing well. Some plants, like the rosemary, are not as happy after a wet and cold winter, so we'll have to see if they come back.

I saw the orthopedist this morning - she did the surgery on my wrist, and I also saw her for the fractured elbow. We're all very pleased with the wrist and the elbow is coming along. I'm going to start putting this week since the weather will be gorgeous starting Thursday! 

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