More Rain

And quite a bit of it, although it didn't start raining until this afternoon. I signed a huge stack of paperwork for my new mortgage this morning - actually a refinance to an interesting sort of mortgage that my financial advisor recommended. Then to the bank to get a wire sent to the mortgage company. I had just enough time to get home and grab a snack and get to my chiropractic appointment, followed almost immediately by a massage. Then a stop at Trader Joe's for tulips (you know there will be a blip as soon as they open!) and finally home. 

Relaxing, quiet night tonight. Mr. WK is planning on being around later this week since he's working in Portland (he lives about 2 hours away), and for the first time will stay with me instead of his friend's crash pad. I believe progress is being made ;-) But of course his plans could change so I try not to get too excited.

Meanwhile, these sweet little violas are struggling to bloom in the pouring rain. These are in a large pot on my back deck (by the golf course). There's a crape myrtle in the pot which I hope will bloom this year.

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