Hangin' Around

I spotted this ladybird on the kitchen blind cord this morning, took a photo for Tiny Tuesday and then put it outside - blip done! I saw that the forecast today was for rain, so I went out first thing to put some Aftercut on the lawn so it got watered in ok. Yesterday I bought a new iPad, my current one is quite old and the home button is sticking. I was happy to get it £120 off, the rumours are that the latest version is due out this month so I expect Apple are reducing the price to clear the stock. I got it from John Lewis to get the 2 year warranty and as they have a 35 day price match if it gets reduced at JL. So this morning I was looking for a cover and a screen protector. I got a surprise in the post today that will contribute nicely towards the cost of the iPad. My private pension with Santander (from when I was at Abbey National) has been reviewed to see if they’ve underpaid women on their GMP (guaranteed minimum pension) compared to what they paid men and in my case they had. So as well as the back payment I’m to get almost £100 pa more on my pension - every little helps. This afternoon I've been clearing a few old photos - lots more of that to do to clear some memory! 

Since I thought of the title of my blip when editing my photo, I've had this classic Carpenters song going round and round my head. 

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