Monday musings

It was one of those grey, damp days but the washing dried quite a bit. I did some cleaning up in the living room and not a lot else but had a look around the garden (didn't do any gardening).
Checked my BP at 2pm - 103/79, pulse 53. I had better keep an eye on my pulse! Must be the new medication.
Terry continues to do well with one crutch - and I have caught him without it a few times! He is 20 days post-op today. we were hoping to get him out for a walk tomorrow but the forecast is for heavy rain and unfortunately, it looks like rain for the next few days as well. It's not a good idea for him to walk outside in rain, at least not at this stage.
Finished the Heidi Swain book and started a Lucy Clarke one, described as "creepy, twisty, chilling". Title is "You Let Me In". I hope it doesn't give me nightmares.

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