Kitchen picture rehang

Here is the new arrangement for the pictures that we rehung in our kitchen yesterday. The collection feels more 'curated' now.

The only one that is in the same place as before is my father's oil painting of Pabbay from Reef beach on the Isle of Lewis. To the right of this are three studies of Paddy and Aillish by Damian Callan, also pictured on Lewis. 

Beneath it (left to right) are photographs of Mr hazelh, his father and his grandfather; the before and after shot of me with my sisters previously blipped in July 2017; and a photo of my immediate family taken at my not-so-little sister's 21st birthday party.

To the left of the Pabbay picture are three photographs of Mr hazelh's family. The top one is known as 'The Corrs photo' because it features a reasonably good looking brother with three stunning sisters, just like the band. The middle shot is Mr hazelh's most recent full family photo taken and blipped last April in Somerset. The bottom one is of Mr hazelh's smallest sister when she was six.

The two photos over the doorway into the sitting room are of my family. The one on the left is of my parents with me and Mr hazelh, taken by walkingMarj. The one with the red mount features me with my sisters, my brother-in-law, Mr hazelh, and Paddy and Ailish. We climbed up the rope in the shot to pose inside the boat one summer's day a very long time ago on Holy Island.

As for today: slept poorly (exited to the study at 2:00am), gym, swim, supermarket shopping, online admin, helping with the Monday washing* (mainly putting clothes away), soup brewing, looking after Mummy hazelh, cooking and eating supper. Now it is time for the quizzes...

*Hence the basket in my blip.

Exercise today: swim (60 lengths); walking (15,030 steps).

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