Remembering Mum

on Mother's Day 2024...

I managed to go to church today and cope with the service, for the first time on Mother's Day since Mum passed away.  Feeling pleased with myself that I managed it, thought it was difficult.

One of the things I struggle with, is there is nowhere to go and 'see' the grave/talk to her as she was cremated and my Stepfather took the ashes to some special place in Wales (he won't tell us where - its a special place for him and my Mum)...

This afternoon, I've started watching Waterloo Road from the beginning.  I think I remember the very first series, and wasn't expecting it to be like this - but I think the very first series were when I was much younger.

Now I must attempt to write out the details of my prayer meeting and mark all the pages in the bible, as my printer - despite new ink - and despite me shaking the cartridges - is printing blank pages :(:(

After the meeting, I'll be doing my ironing for the week (hopefully), still really don't know what to wear but I think it will include a jacket for the first day and hoping I don't get too cold!

Death in Paradise tonight if I can stay awake!  Already missing 'Call the Midwife' - nothing exciting on to replace that!

Seems the buses are not good in the mornings for the I really hope I can get a parking permit for staff!!!

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