Pot of Primroses/Primulas

in the garden.  (Looked great, a pop of colour - from a distance - but close too all blurry unfortunately.  Six months after getting this camera I am still really struggling to get a proper focus for the things I love to picture :(

The extra is for GillsAbroad to see...

Hoping to find an online course to help - I have a CD with the camera but of course nowhere to play it at all...

The day started very early for me again - almost 4am, which I could really do without...just can't seem to get back to sleep after getting up...

Anyway, I laid in bed for ages reading, then got up and went to 'The Big Breakfast' at church!  I'll admit I couldn't wait til 10am, so I had a small bowl of cereal at 6.30am, then the bits I could eat from the big breakfast - hash browns, scrambled eggs, sausages, tomatoes and a cheeky croissant and jam.

It was a good social time, I guess there were around 40/50 people there :)

I came home and sorted out my clothes ready for next week.  I'm still not sure what 'smart casual' is - maybe I'll wear casual trousers, but a jacket and top with a scarf to cover all eventualities until I get an idea from others at work.

Then I've been writing prayers and listening to praise songs via Alexa on Spotify, as I'm leading the prayer meeting tomorrow evening.  Just leaving it til tomorrow to print out as they may need changing.

Now I'm doing laundry and housework, later I'll be trying to iron everything I can for next week (I hate ironing!), so I don't have to suddenly iron something before work, when I've got to go into the office!!

Do any blippers go into the office for work these days much?  I will be going in all week, with no option to work at home.

And how far have I come from this?  So very proud I can walk into a new contract with head held high (though very nervous atm) :)

Later, Michael McIntyre's The Wheel and much later Casualty (though I believe its on i-player already and I might watch it earlier...

And roast salmon with roast veg for dinner :)

Happy Weekend!

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