Place: Largo, FL 65/71
Main activity: Sun - jog
Notes: Clocks went ahead overnight and some rain had come thru early morning. Place was all closed up and was 78 inside when I woke. Woke right out of a dream - groggy and a bit achy, and was already 7a (new time). Started to get ready to bike but wasn't feeling it and winds up ~12mph. Air was cool so opened everything up and left the door open w/ screen to get air flow. Pollen still all over but was hoping rain brought it out of the air for a bit. Switched to jogging clothes, got in a solid 40 min - tiny worms hanging from trees all over on invisible threads. Shower and then did a dark load, cleaned the water distiller, dealt w/ the white load from yesterday, lots of little chores and cleaning up. CBS Sun Morn show at 9a and coffee. Threw in the couch cover then and the small blanket. Quiet day, watched some shows and finished S2 of Resident Alien (maybe the whole thing, not sure??), had a cup of peppermint hot tea and then around 5p got on Zoom w/ Jo until almost 630p - really good chat. 

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