Watch … carefully.

       Up to now I've not really taken a lot of conscious notice of this one.  I've just done a swift check and seen this:-
"Viburnum x bodnantense 'Dawn' is a fantastic winter-flowering shrub, bearing densely packed clusters of rose, pink or blush white, sweetly scented blooms, on bare stems."
     Yet another example of the plant not having read the book; inasmuch as 
1. It has NEVER flowered densely.
2. It doesn't seem to really care when it does flower.  
Top pic. - what I saw towards the top of the bush; it was not alone.
Lower  -  seen towards the bottom of the Bush.
      NOW - either we're still in winter - OR - it's another illiterate plant?

I'll now have to check to see if it's ever flower-free in order to spot its "first sighting".

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