
By fennerpearson

Bolton and Bury Canal

One way and another, it's been a while since I ran any proper distances, but the regular runs with Hannah, plus helping Milly with her marathon training, have returned me to a point where I feel ready to start stretching my legs.

Today, the Minx dropped me off in Bolton so that I could run down a stretch of the old Bolton and Bury canal, before going the path alongside the Irwell all the way down to Salford. 

As I ran down the road to the start of the canal, I passed an old viaduct. As it happens, last night, the Minx and I had dinner at The Wheatsheaf in Ingleton - v good, would recommend - and were talking about how the grand, old viaduct there is completely wasted. So, it was interesting to see how the viaduct in Bolton has been covered so that it can safely be used as a footpath (see Extra). 

Anyway, back to the canal. Broadly speaking, there are three stretches: a filled in bit, where I just ran the old tow path; a section in disrepair where, although there is water in the canal, it's silted up and overgrown; and then a final stretch as per today's Blip. 

Hannah was waiting for me at the wetlands, and she accompanied me for the last three miles, and it was invigorating to have someone to chat with!

In the afternoon, the Minx and I went over to meet Hannah and Charlie at The Angel for a pre-lunch drink*, and then we went out to find somewhere to eat.

Happily, Onda pasta bar, which is officially booked up until May, was taking walk ins, and, my God, the food was excellent. Interesting that it was on the verge of failing until it was rescued by a social media campaign featuring some tiramisu, which we did sample (also delicious!).

I was supposed to go and meet Yoss for a drink, this evening, but while I was napping on the sofa, my foot seized up so that I could barely walk. I didn't feel I'd actually injured it when I was running but something wasn't right :-(

However, Yoss walked up the house instead and we had a good evening with him, which took my mind off my foot. 

*But not until I'd popped into Vans to buy some shoes. Having travelled down in my running gear, I'd forgotten to pack any!

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