Black Johnson

I took a run along the beach at Bureh, this morning, which I followed with a refreshing dip in the sea before having breakfast with the Minx and Izzy. We didn't need to be out of our hut until eleven, so we had a leisurely morning before getting back in the car.

The plan was to drive back along the coast road and visit a couple of beaches, the first of which is called Black Johnson, which is also the name of the nearby town. The track from the main road to the beach was quite something, and I didn't envy Izzy her trips 'up country' on similar roads, which can last many hours.

The beach was beautiful, as you can see from my picture, and we ended up spending the afternoon there, not least because the bar there now serves food, so we had lunch and then a walked the length of the beach and back.

After that, Izzy drove us home - including, of course, another exciting immersion in the Freetown traffic - where we freshened up before going out for dinner with some of Izzy's friends, who were a great bunch (which is just as well as we are going away with some of them, tomorrow!).

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