A Good Day

The penguins are enjoying a bouquet made up of the longer lasting blooms from a number of bouquets received.

My brother and his wife arrived yesterday evening after a grueling drive up the interstate from San Diego. I was sore and grumpy but they put up with me and I feel a lot better today

I joined the group at Trail House today which was a nice step toward normalcy. We talked about Tobi’s brother-in-law a very controlling and self centered man who refuses to follow medical advice and has landed himself in intensive care with a brain bleed. The consensus, having heard the whole history is that the doctors should refuse to treat him but of course they can’t really do that. Bob offered pharmaceuticals and advice.

Kathy came by with a beautiful orchid plant ( which I will probably manage to kill) and offered some helpful advice on how to approach the flexion and extension exercises. She commented that PT really stands for ‘pain and torture’. My intention is to go to her with John for our usual appointment with her on Monday. I can’t think of anybody I would rather be tortured by, and I think she can iron out some of the aches and pains resulting form the body adjusting itself.

It is a beautiful day and the four of us sat out in the sun until I got too warm in my turtleneck shirt and heavy sweater and had to go inside. I have been miserably cold so it was especially pleasant to feel the sun on my face. Alas, I think we are back to rain and drizzle next week.

Comments will be scarce for a couple of days as I want to spend as much time as I can with Rick and Meg, but full service should resume the beginning of the week. Thanks again for all your kind and supportive comments. They really do mean a lot.

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