Yet another attempt at tidying

This is in the far bottom corner of the garden, behind the chicken run.
Its been used to store horse poo until it its needed, grass cutting that piled up for several years, reclaimed chicken wire and posts and random detritus, as you can probably spot.
I still have so much timber lying around that I decided to build a fence from the scrap wood (remember my successes with gates a month or so ago?). I have measured for the uprights and dug the holes. Need to buy some postcrete to secure them before bashing  carefully attaching the boards. 
Is there no end to my skills? (No answers necessary thank you)

We have been watching a programme in which the hero's regularly play backgammon. The game fascinated me so we bought a board, arrived today, and have been playing this evening. Despite all the YouTube instructional videos being in American we have got the hang of it and actually enjoyed playing. Could become a new obsession.

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