
Sues cousin is coming over from Australia this summer for five or six weeks. 
Unfortunately she has very little grasp of UK geography or accommodation costs. She has a list of places and things she wants to see.
I am struggling to put together an itinerary. Could be a long job.

Went to our first U3A meeting today, a fascinating film and presentation by Adrian O'Dell called Stefan’s Journey and in his footsteps. It is about his father, a Polish Airman who escaped his homeland and made his way, eventually, to the UK and Adrian's recreation of the journey. The film is available on YouTube, but not in the USA. Adrian explained that it was a copyright problem. His film included many musical extracts  and a lot of film clips. The only one that caused him a problem was Reginald Dixon on the Blackpool Tower Wurlitzer.  
Watching such a personal film with the man who made it was quite moving.

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