Leeds Wildlife Hide

Friday 8th March 2024

SueT123 and I had made the journey as we had booked the Leeds Wildlife Hide. It was an early start but thankfully it is not far from mum's house. 

We spent 7hrs there and there was never a gap of more than a few minutes without birds in front of us. We had a very enjoyable day. 

We saw: Blue tit, Great tit, Brambling, Robin, Jay, Woodpecker, Song thrush, Collared dove, Blackbird, Pheasant, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Tree sparrow, Starling, Long-tailed tit, Chaffinch, Reed bunting

We travelled back home and then I started sorting. I took 1,773 photos, which I culled to 630 in the first run through. Now I am working through them again and processing, which will be quite a job. I've decided to post this one as I don't think I've really photographed a Jay before. 

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