
After walking Django, today saw me dealing with issues resulting from releasing the latest version HiGHS yesterday. One of our friends picked up on a bug I'd missed, and then complained about something not working that we failed to say we'd not yet implemented. I then put out a promotional post on LinkedIn, which has yielded a good deal of attention. 

I then went into Edinburgh to get a train to Manchester, travelling for three hours in what had been chosen as a "party coach" by a very good natured and respectful mixed group of young people. One young woman sitting next to me offered me a can of cider, and later she moved "out of respect" when space became available further down the carriage. They were playing some decent dance music and were happy drunks by the time I got off. I managed to read an academic paper - rare for me but I'm refereeing a follow-up - and even get some sleep. 

Now to go out and get some food and a beer. 

It's always good to be in Manchester 

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