
By sharon143

Drove over to Sherwood to drop my car off for 9am - sat nav being fixed this time! SL picked me up from the Renault dealer and we set off for Ticknall. We arrived a few minutes late for our workshop on creating art from items foraged from nature. There were four of us and, together with our tutor JB, had a very enjoyable day. We went for a short walk in the woods next to her house to start with, and then went up to her studio for coffee and cake and to do some quick exercises to get us used to the material. We learned lots of new techniques and made several things to bring home , some of which I may blip of course. They are however quite fragile, so am not sure how they will survive the journey home. There were lots of materials provided for us to work through. JB provided a delicious lunch of soup, salad and a savoury tart.
We left just after 4. It was s slow journey back , and somewhat marred by me starting to feel ill partway through. I walked the last 10 minutes to collect my car and managed to get home ok but didn’t feel well all evening . Okay on Friday morning though

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