Another day without rain!

Had a bit of a walk this morning (healthy), part of it through Taylor Park and called for pies for lunch on way home (unhealthy)!
Finished the Karen Swan book yesterday and started a Heid Swain one today.
I did a bit in the garden this afternoon - dug out the roots of the creeping thyme (which I planted as a gap filler but it crept everywhere and was rampant so I cut it back a couple of times before getting rid of it completely). I transplanted a few primroses so i could plant a few other gap-filler plants near to and where the creeping thyme had been. =There may be room for one more gap filler but i will wait and see as I don't want it too cramped. I have a few more gap filler plants in pots, waiting to be planted but I've not decided where to place them yet and I didn't want to do too much today or I will set my joints off again.
Terry has taken the dressing off his wound before he went in the shower - it looks to be healing well. We are still persevering with the TED stockings but he said he's not having them on any more after his next shower.

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