
So, with it being World Book Day today and International Women’s Day tomorrow, what else could I do but reference the Longlist for the Women’s Prize for Fiction which was announced this week.

Here is the pile of 16 books that have been chosen and here are the three from that pile that i have, and have read. I enjoyed each of these books, each very different.

I am not going to say any more about any of the books, there is a lot of information on the Women’s Prize website - worth looking to see whether there are any books there that you might like. It’s an exciting list - many debut authors, a range of genres, a range of countries represented. The aim at this stage in the Prize is to get books to readers and to give a voice for women writers who might otherwise be overlooked. So there should be something here that everyone can find and enjoy. 

The reason I follow this Prize is the excitement of finding books that I might not have otherwise come across. How many of these I will read I don’t know, but a few have been ordered so we will see. 

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