Jay #36

A big thanks to those of you that have gone back over some of my old blips - it wasn't necessary and was unexpected, but very nice. Thank you. 

Today has been the third day in a row that has been dry so we had another few hours in the garden again with more chopping and tidying. It's looking a bit better again. 
Once we had decided that enough was enough, we came inside and collapsed in a heap on the sofa, both absolutely shattered and aching already. I'm sure we will feel it even more tomorrow :(

I've not seen our garden Jays for a while, but heard lots of squawking from the adjacent woodland area so knew they were still around. 
The newly chopped elder stumps provided a perfect perch for one of them as they realised we'd put some peanuts out on the bird table. 
I quite like this head on shot of the quizzical Jay as it obviously spotted me raise my camera from inside the house.  Another two were perched in the willow tree, so that's at least three. No wonder there was a lot of noise from them. 

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