People in the Landscape

Today we tackled the walk up to The Old Man of Storr. We didn't go very early as the sun wasn't due to come through until 9am. So we had breakfast at the hotel and started the walk at about 8.30. It's a tough climb, well it is for me anyway and I knew I would have to reduce my insulin and increase my carb intake dramatically. It worked out pretty well but means I have to be on guard for the rest of the day.

It's the Wide on Wednesday challenge (hosted by BobsBlips) and the theme this week is 'People'. My photo is a 6 shots in portrait format to make a panorama and I took this one as some people were coming past. I think they help to give it scale. The Old Man of Storr for those may not be familiar is the middle of the three rock formations shown here. It took two and a half hours to get up, take some photos and get down. With today's good weather it was very enjoyable. I'm glad we started fairly early as there were quite a lot of people coming up as we came down.

We went out later to go to Neist Point, the most westerly point on the island. The light was looking quite good for a sunset but the wind was blowing a gale and it was very uncomfortable on the clifftop for this view so we didn't stay long.

I've added another from The Storr and one from Neist Point.

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