
I met J from camera club this morning to show her the walk from Holgate Hill car park to Kelling Heath holiday village and back. A dull and dreary morning weather wise and hardly any birds around, but J spotted these two muntjacs on the other side of the railway line, having a cheeky wander beyond the 'protective' wire fencing. The gorse is coming out nicely now, it looks a lovely sight across the heath. I got back in time to watch the budget - nothing for pensioners I don't think. I got quite fed up with opposition MPs shouting out all the time and ignoring the Deputy Speaker, which made it quite difficult at times to hear the Chancellor. MPs do make our Parliament look like a joke at times. This afternoon I re-seeded the wild flower area and got some compost out from the bottom of the compost bin to put under the hedge. Shortly I'm off into town to drop off another large bag of things for the charity shop and have my hair cut. 

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