One Street - In the rain

Today I decided that rather than cycle along the canal I would walk. I walked as far as the village of Moore where the canal runs through the village. Boats can pull up outside the front door of the Village Store, which is on the other side of the road, and stock up on necessities.

This boat had just pulled up before I arrived and one of the guys had nipped over to the shop. This little dog was sitting on the top of the roof of the barge eagerly awaiting his master's return.

Chatting to the chap from the boat he told me that they were heading for Liverpool and were due to arrive there on the 11 July. Just to give you some context it would probably take me about 30 minutes by car to get to Liverpool from the same spot.

He also told me that they had sold their house and bought the barge and for the last eight years had lived aboard it. They cruised for eight months of the year then stayed in a marina for the rest of the time. A few months ago while out walking his dog he had fallen and had broken his leg which had put him out of action for ten weeks. During that time he had stayed with his son in London.

As we were talking it started to rain. It then rained constantly for my three mile walk home and it is still raining now.

The traditional walking day was held in Warrington today. Walking days are common in this area with many villages and districts holding their own walks. It is thought that walking days started as a counter-attraction to the race meeting at Haydock Park. Groups from churches walk together as an expression of Christian witness. Previously shops and businesses would have closed and at their peak 10000 people would have participated. Even today 4000 people will take part in the walk. The weather was dry this morning when the walk was taking place but the rain will have put a damper on the celebrations and funfair this afternoon.

The churches in our village will hold their walking day on Saturday 6 July.

Some more photos from today's canal walk.

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