Cherry Blossom

I was awake early this morning.  I decided to get up, rather than go back to sleep, and took my book downstairs.  I lay on the sofa and read for a while, as the day awakened.  It was lovely and peaceful and I was under a cosy blanket.  My peace was shattered when TT appeared.
I then decided to get on with a few chores and went out for a short pre-run walk.  It was a lovely morning.  I came home and then headed out for a run.  I struggled to get going, but was fine overall .  I did the same route as Friday, but in reverse and could have gone a bit further.  I tried to stay away from the muddy routes, but even the railway path was pretty wet, muddy and slippery in places.
TT made lunch again today.  I think it was a distraction from his marking. After lunch he went back to his marking.
Later in the afternoon BB and I went for a walk.  He wanted to stretch his legs, so we headed down to the river, walked along the river and back via the supermarket.  He was quite chatty – which was nice, given he has been rather grumpy these past few days.  It was also nice to have a helper to carry my shopping home.
I was on tea, which involved lots of prep.  I then forgot to put something in the over, so my timings all went to pot.  Better late than never – we did eat eventually, and it was all rather tasty – even if I do say so myself.  Later I had a mountain of ironing to wade through.  Roll on the end of school. I will not miss ironing school uniform.
I took this picture of the flowering cherry this morning against the blue sky.  The sky had turned grey by this afternoon.

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