Festival Time

I did something a little different today, mindful of that “When was the last time you did something for the first time?” question.  

I went to see a film at the Glasgow Film Festival. It has only been running (the festival - not the film) for 20 years, so it started after I left the city. 

The venue was the Glasgow Film Theatre - my first time there too. I have no excuses for that - it is a city institution. 

The film was "The Teacher"“, its UK premiere having taken place at the GFT last night. The director Farah Nablusi was there this afternoon to introduce it. It was a very powerful piece of work, and for anyone interested, a real insight into the lives of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. 

I am very glad I made the effort to see it. 

It was the core part of a lovely Wee Day Out which included lunch at Taco Bell and then fika at the GFT after the screening. Yes, that’s right. Me. Fast food. Taco Bell. 

It was delicious. 

So was the GFT’s espresso and brownie, I should add. 

My Blip is a ghost sign in the Garnethill neighbourhood, where the GFT is located. One Extra is proof of my appearance in a Taco Bell. The other is inside the GFT - a lovely place. 

I just realised I will be back in Glasgow on Saturday for football. Oh well, why not?

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