Lonesome Swan

I was asked for coffee this morning to the home of a friend in the Lockharton district of the city. Her house looks over the Craiglockhart nature reserve where at this time of year I would usually see a pair of swans nesting and bringing up a family of cygnets close to the roadway. It appears that this year the male is on his own  for whatever reason. As I passed, I watched him through the reeds doing his morning grooming. He was meticulous about it and I could see how useful it would be for us humans to have such long bendy necks to see behind us without turning round. 
In my blip I really can’t figure out how his leg appears to come out from the middle of his back .

Tearing myself away from the swan, I had a lovely morning with Betty, catching up on an awful lot of news while sitting in the sun. It’s still sunny now having just come back from returning a book to the library. I hope we haven’t used up our week’s quota of sunshine-it would be good to have it at the beach tomorrow.

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