
By Incredibish

Not the right red...

As I was hanging out the washing earlier today a wren was singing loudly and with all the enthusiasm of a bright spring morning. Of course, I nipped in for the camera, and of course, he'd gone when I returned.

The robin remained, however, and watched as I hung out the remaining smalls.

Alas and alackaday, today's highly enjoyable bimble on Morrison, down to Southmead Blood Donor Centre, was in vain. Not in vein. Ah-ha... my iron count was 134mcg/dL and the donor threshold is 135. 

Not the first time, and extensive testing by my doctor suggests it is normal for me. The medical low is much less. Well... I've never really set out to be entirely normal... Apologies if you are needing any A neg...

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