Portia thinking deep thoughts

Ever since I bought blinds for the kitchen, I had to stop keeping plants and odds and ends on the windowsills in the kitchen.  So they have become new favourite spots for her to sit. She can keep an eye on the garden from a high vantage point, and without the inconvenience of getting cold and wet. 
A lovely sunny morning. We had a leisurely breakfast, and L helped me with a few practical things. He certainly benefits greatly from his decision about 3 years ago to drink only alcohol free beer, otherwise I’m sure he’d have felt terrible after a 12 hour pub crawl. 
I spent some of the afternoon clearing masses of honeysuckle from the back wall, in particular stopping it going into next door’s garden, which it does with great enthusiasm. And although I had lots of plans to get chores done, I found I was hopelessly drawn to my difficult new jigsaw, and spent more time that I’d meant to on that. 

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