What the f***

Says L as he comes into the kitchen for breakfast and sees the snow. It’s very startling - bringing the brilliant light that only snow can. But it’s gone by lunchtime, which is probably just as well.
We have a good talk about life and music. I get some new ideas for my “DJing” at the warehouse on Tuesdays. Then down to the city centre to meet L’s 6th form college friend and bandmate, for his 30th birthday. He used to spend a lot of time at ours as he lived out of Bristol, and I was very fond of him. L is there for a morning to midnight event, and as we sit in the market cafe, lots of other friends arrive from all over. A couple have come from the Isle of Man, they had a more then two days journey. J is an archaeologist, as is his wife, who is also lovely. I just stay long enough to have a catch up and hug with J and leave them to it.
A normal Saturday for me, listening to football, messaging friends, batch cooking for the freezer, Blip commenting, and I started a new jigsaw which looks even harder than the last one, as it’s just leaves:)

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