Choose Joy

By Energia

My cookies

These are hellebores in the church’s courtyard. 

Today’s event was nice. I talked with the reporter. I talked with a nine year old child who was very excited to see Toothless, the dragon, on the wall next to my Formal Youth Advisor’s portrait. (Toy I bought to take pictures of with him.) She didn’t recognize him as cosplaying Hiccup until her parents told her. She very happily told me she was trans when she was four years old. I pointed to the little picture I have of my friend’s child when she was four years old. It is a little picture I put underneath her big dramatically lit one on metal. It was a very low resolution picture so I printed it very small and at that size it looks great. 

Today was the day when it was mainly congregants who came and they were all so excited to talk with me and I was happy to tell them what a wonderful, loving church they have and how happy I was to do the show there and WHY they were the perfect place to hold it. 

I didn’t have to give a speech today so instead I wrote them something for their social media page that thanked them profusely and eloquently (I hope). The church really has been incredible. 

Someone who went last night was amazed by how nice the church people were to her. 

People complimented the cookies some more today and they were very impressed that I got sponsors. 

Tomorrow I have the big giant work event. I did some work on it yesterday between hanging the pictures and practicing the speech and getting dressed and going over to help prepare food. Today I called my boss and reassured him that everything would be alright. He asked if I’m nervous and I said no, I was kind of distracted by this big event I had this weekend. We are at capacity and I’ve been telling people all week that they can’t come. I just this moment sent another email telling someone they can’t come. It is 10:15 at night. The event is tomorrow morning. Someone is writing now to get into an event tomorrow morning? But I’m smiling, because I’m still happy. 

In the extra are my Mexican Wedding Cakes. 
My Mexican Wedding Cakes. 
All mine. 
Not sharing.
With anyone.
Going to eat, each one, alone, and focus solely on it while I eat it. 

You guys gave me FIFTEEN HEARTS. Thank you!!!

There is going to be a photography exhibit of Ukrainian women held in London. 

Ukraine was briefly exporting electricity before Russia’s new invasion. Today the expectation was that they were going to export again (don’t know if they did) and they expect to begin exporting regularly in the Spring. 

Ukraine used drones to hit a plant in Russia that makes explosives. Footage. Explosions. 


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