Four Fur Feet

Spike got a long overdue pedicure today. Well, half a pedicure. It's hard to tell from this picture but the front paws are fairly tidy, the back ones untouched. He has limited patience for this operation so they get done more or less on the run and usually one foot at a time, especially now that I'm not exactly running after him. He has webbed feet, a spaniel characteristic, and gets massive amounts of fur growing between his toes which attract burrs  small stones and even the occasional tick. When he starts licking his feet obsessively I know it's time for a trim. I keep a large pair of scissors on a table next to my spot on the couch dedicated to the job and I accomplished half of it today. The whole thing inspired the title, also the title of a delightful children's book by Margaret Wise Brown which I remember reading to my children. Here's a link.

It was nice to see the sun this morning after a better night's sleep. We're sort of left to our own devices medication wise after the first ten days or so. I was told the only thing I needed to keep taking was baby aspirin twice a day. i got carried away and stopped taking everything which is why I didn't have such a good night's sleep. I deem it a good night's sleep if I get a total of at least seven hours of sleep, however broken, and am not like a bear with a sore head (or knee in this case) the next day. Hopefully I am back on track now with a milder, but still opioid, pain killer at night and ibuprophen during the day.

The day has progressed through periods of rain, sun and sun and rain at the same time. I missed the chance to get a picture of a beautiful rainbow. John has gone out a couple of times to try to work in the garden only to be driven back inside by a biting wind. Spike has stayed by my side, wherever it happens to be, all day despite my torturing of his already somewhat deformed feet. He has toes in funny places and feet that turn out like a basset hound's. 

My first non-knee related event will be Sunday dinner at Dana and Jim's tonight.

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