Once Upon a Time

We drove to Tampere after noon: today was the last opening day for two exhibitions: 
Once Upon a Time, a Story of the Origin of Fairy Tales in Vapriikki and
Hannes Heikura's retrospective photography exhibition in Himmelblau. 

Hubby went to Himmelblau, since I already visited Heikura's exhibition in January, so I went to Vapriikki.

Once Upon a Time was an exhibition about fairy tales, heroes and heroines. It featured both familiar and less familiar fairy tales from Europe and beyond. There was magical forest and paths that took visitors to different times and places where fairy tales share their hidden meanings and lessons. It was visually very attractive exhibition, I'm glad I saw it.

Then we went to my parent's for lunch, and Sari, Heka and Aku were there too.

In the evening Leevi visited us, it was lovely to see him, as always!

+2°C, cloudy

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