First of the 2024 produce

Well a sort of busy day without any structure.
Our usual Sunday breakfast followed by the gov making a start on tonight's dinner and me going off for a bit of fettling in the workshop. A~ phoned on his way to Heathrow, having flown back over night Friday from Singapore arriving yesterday morning he was now catching the 2pm flight to Texas.
After a bit of varnishing and a chat with my bro about batteries, we did a 4 mile walk because it was dry for a change and too chilly for the bikes. On our way we saw the white violet in Extras.
Lunch and  loading the car for an early start tomorrow down the Sailing Club. 
Then off to the Arts Centre to see the local Youth and Community band join forces with the Hadstock Silver Band for a couple of hours of brass music .
Now home and the promised Coq au Vin smells delightful and gin o'clock has arrived.
Afterwards we may watch the last hour of the Bond movie we put on the video on New Year's Eve. We watched the first two hours last night and due to strident music and regular explosions managed to stay awake.
I don't remember Bond movies being so convoluted in the past......

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