Not bad day really

Today was the last work day before the massive event Monday. The event can hold 200. I expected 125-150. We are at capacity. I spent the week telling more people who wanted to come that we are at capacity. Why do all these people want to come? What I said was that it would be LESS boring than a typical government event. 

Next year I’m telling everyone it is death by PowerPoint with no food, no water, and no bathroom breaks. 

Meanwhile the new printer prints beautifully and cheaply and I have 100 inexpensive programs and 50 surveys for after the show. The Rainbow Youth Alliance made a playlist. Today the church, which is typically locked for Covid, decided it would open on Fridays and Saturdays this month so people can come see the pictures. !!!!!!

I usually learn my speeches. I usually have notes just in case but don’t use them. This time I do not have time to learn my speech. The entire speech is on note cards. Tomorrow morning I go hang pictures. In the afternoon we prepare fancy, delicious cheese sandwiches and lay out cookies. Even tomorrow there is no time to learn the speech. 

Thousands gathered to mourn Navalny. Thousands even though the police were everywhere and cameras were everywhere. 

Ok. Weird news. Russia went after ponies. They raided a My Little Pony convention. They said it was spreading LGBT propaganda.  
That sounds like a punchline.

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