Thanks, Joe Tree

The snow and rain ended at about 3:30 this afternoon, so I was able to go over to Amazon Fresh and do some returns.  Of course I forgot to photograph some of their flowers, because I had Joe Tree in mind.  And I didn't find a suitable tree to blip.  So here is what I did spot from the Amazon parking lot: a long line of small birds on a wire against a turbulent sky.  I wish they were on a tree.

So I want to pay written tribute to Joe Tree for beginning this marvelous community of which I'm so happy to be a part.  Thank you, Joe, for this gift.

My weekly Americans of Conscience Checklist newsletter arrived in my Email today and I thought I would mention it to you in case you might be interested.  The Checklist is meant to be a way that we frustrated citizens who feel increasingly helpless in the face of the awfulness going on in our country have a resource for ways to express what we believe and what we support.  This is the link to this week's Checklist: 
if you'd like to see what I mean.

I slept for ten and a half hours last night and woke feeling much peppier. But it's back to dialysis tomorrow.

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