Lost and found

This portrait had to be my blip for today because ten hours ago, I thought that I was never going to see him again! Nick had taken him for his morning walk while I got on with indoor jobs. Some considerable time later, I received a phonecall  from Nick telling me that he had lost Bertie and had been looking for him for the past two hours! With the help of a friend who gave me a lift, I went to help in the search but quickly realised, because of the terrain, it was a momentous task, a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack. Fortunately, friends saved the day and came to help in the search for the escapee and some time later, one of them tracked down the wee monster snuffling around in an area of woodland. He had been missing for over four hours by this time! If only he knew what distress and heartache he had caused……..but all’s well that ends well. (NB He will not be allowed off the lead again until we get a gps tracker for him!)

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