Leap of Love

A very different day for me today; in an attempt to both focus on self-care and to shake myself out of the comfort of my tiny social circle, I attend a well-being event organised by a friend. She’s decided we should do something to celebrate February 29th and has labelled her event ‘Leap of Love’ - the love here being for ourselves! 

I’m not sure whether I’ll last the day - well hardly  a day running from 10.30 to 3.30 - but I do, and by and large, I enjoy it. It’s a small and friendly group and we encounter a wide range of ‘self-care’ subjects. There’s sound therapy, mandala drawing, writing therapy, meditation, chakras and crystals, spiritualism - some of which I really can’t relate to, others I know I’ll come back to. 

We have refreshments provided by Linda Zouggari, who was a contestant in last year’s Masterchef competition, just missing out on a semifinal place. Not surprisingly, we are treated to some delicious morsels - not least the baklava cheesecakes pictured in my collage.  

Zoned out by our final meditation, I leave complete with my ‘goody bags’ and head home to collapse on the sofa, exhausted by my day. I really do wish I had more energy, but once more, it’s baby steps ….. 

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