Happy Leap Day. 
I've made the most of the extra day and  in between spectacular hail downpours,  finally started some planting in the polytunnel - just lettuce, parsley, peas and broadbeans so far. I then opened up one of the compost bins and started rootling - blooming hard work but the stuff is good and full of worms. I got several barrowloads into the tunnel and dug it in before arthritic fingers and the back complained.
 A quick change and off to Bantry to meet up with Hannah and Margaret for a pizza.  They are ex-colleagues and we were stunned to work out that the last time we all actually worked together was 2006!  We had a ball that year and have remained firm friends ever since, so easy to just pick up where we left off. The pizza was excellent too.
And good news, Finola was instructed to bring in Robert's pajamas - sounds like he's moving out of intensive care.
Posting late tonight and a bit of an eb  for Abstract Thursday - a handy colourful shape from the stained glass door.

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